Medical volunteer specialties

Many of the Medical volunteer opportunities in Uganda enable you to gain hands-on experience in your medical field of interest within a specific department. Your scope of medical volunteer work will vary depending on your experience and the needs of your placement and you’ll be supported by qualified medical professionals.

Medical Volunteers shall mainly work in Special Needs and Child Care Centers Street and Slum Groups.

As a Medical volunteer with Volunteers 2 Uganda, there are opportunities to specialize in: Occupational Therapists, Speech therapists, Physiotherapists, Dentistry, Optometry, Nutrition, Public Health, Orthopedics, Radiology, HIV/AIDS Support, Midwifery, Pediatrics and more.

Activities therefore cut across

– HIV testing and counseling
– Malaria testing, treatment and prevention
– Treatment of diseases and illnesses such as: URI, UTI, GI infections, STIs, wound care and more
– Distribution of mama kits and basic prenatal care
– Health education

Volunteers on this program should be prepared to contribute some funds towards the purchase of medical kits and drugs to be used. Alternatively too Volunteers are able to carry as many medical supplies as they can on their way to the project.